Monday 29 November 2010

We stood for an hour to board the Ark Royal, it was freezing cold. Hats off then to the young people who man the ship, there all day and well into the evening to clear away once the last visitor has gone, then to take the ship on it`s journey to Germany before returning to Britain. Hearts of lions! They were all so friendly and didn`t mind giving us information.

How are parents managing for money at Xmas? Saw an advert for Mr Potato Head, it said Save £17 - only £32!!! I would be gagging to pay even £10. But you get 2 sets of eyes and mouths, so that makes it ok then!! His eyes, nose and ears pop off when he hears a loud noise. I`m sorry, but what`s wrong with giving them a real potato, let them make the features, I`ll make the loud noise and they can pull the eyes off. Then there was a dinosaur for £50 that tells you when it`s nose is itchy.

Godfrey Bloom - From the man who holds that women don`t clean behind their fridges enough and that he represents Yorkshire men who want their dinners on the table. He`s made a gaff by making unprofessional Nazi jibes at a conference. How can this country ever progress with old dinosaurs like him who can`t keep his twittering pompous gossiping in order. He also states that no self respecting small businessman with a brain in the right place should employ a woman of child bearing age. Mr. Bloom, have you forgotten the roles women played during the war, poor pet , it was a long time ago and maybe he didn`t notice that since then women have been holding down jobs, professions and running homes. And by the way Clean behind your own bloody fridge, you keep food in there too don`t you?

Saw Inheritance for the third time and loved each perfomance, first at dress rehearsal, second with D and third ten of us for our lasses night out. Fabulous meal at Cafe Vivo. I was made up to receive a copy of the play from the theatre signed by the cast, writer and director. As I`m enjoying the playwriting course at Live, I can study the play along with the others we are working on.

At the Metro Centre on Sunday, D was wearing his body warmer with velcro fastenings at the front. As he left the jacket open it kept attaching itself to my new coat. The fabric was going all fluffy. We`re not into the whole keeping presents secret, I knew he wanted a Wii sports system, thingy, whatever they are called. Of course he had all of the bits on the floor setting it up once we got home. He chose a kind of avatar which was wearing an orange jumper. He was watching it stepping on and off a platform and the idea was that he was supposed to copy the actions. Little messages kept flashing on the screen "If you`re having trouble following directions......" D decided to follow the little footprints with arrows on. Then a whole load of little men in different coloured jumpers suddenly got faster.

D "Hi stop it!!! Are you videoing this?"

Result - Dwindling Fire.

So, he changes to a running programme. There are little dogs running past him through a park and lots of people running past doing backward waves at him (He`s still wearing the orange jumper like a little jaffa cake) The words come up encouraging him to wave his arms to burn off more calories. When it finishes he has a score of 94% and says that he is 2nd top

D "See that, see that 2nd top, it`s saying Roaring Fire now."
Y "Well it hadn`t much to beat as it`s only the second game you`ve played."
D "Shut up you!"

It tells him that he has a stable rhythm and if he wants to continue. He declines, then proceeds to the kitchen. Comes back with two apple pies and custard. I`m not complaining, just as long as he remembers to clean behind the fridge.

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