Thursday 9 September 2010

Cobblers to that.

I was talking to a friend, telling him about the reminiscence sessions I`ve been doing at care homes. I take along an old flat iron,dressing table brush set, ink well and pen,old books and photos, traditional games such as Ludo, marbles and top and whip. Then I go on to monologues, jokes and we finish off with singing. I mentioned to him that when we`d cleared my dad`s flat I left behind his cobbler`s last. R said "Open that door" There, was a silver last.
R "I made it when I worked at Scotswood iron can have that." I was over the moon, it was so much more important that it was made by him.

I took it around to three venues, then was booked for a fourth. Decided to tidy my trolley out where I store them all and the last was missing!! I rang the other places I`d been, nothing. I was gutted. Then I started to pull everything out of the cupboards, I got into the shed, maybe D had used it to chock something open and forgotten to tell me, the garage, nothing!

Our G came around with three T shirts for me to take up on the machine, all different colours so I had to change the threads, then he brought out two dress shirts which were a bugger to line up the front. I got on chatting and mentioned that I had lost a cobbler`s last

G "What`s that?"

Me "Years ago people repaired their own shoes so they used a metal stand which usually had three different sized "feet"

G "Ah, that anchor looking`s in my garden!"

Without a by you leave, he had just picked it up to use as decoration next to his plant pots. It is now back in MY house, thanks very much! But something good came from the fiasco. I told my cousin the tale and she gave me a replica iron, the kind that people used to put hot coals inside. So`ve done something right for once!

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